Working a low golf shot into your game will prove very beneficial. Whether you need to punch out through the trees or stay beneath a head wind, learning to keep the ball down will revolutionize your game. When playing into a head wind, keeping your shot low will maximize your distance while maintaining your target. Known as a knockdown shot, here’s how to implement it into your game.
How To Keep Your Shot Low
2016 PGA Teacher of the Year Mike Adams offers some advice for keeping your golf shot low. He states that a simple way to produce a knockdown shot is to remember “2 – 2 – 2.”
- The first two represents choking down two inches on your club. By doing so, you stiffen the shaft, which will lower the trajectory of your shot.
- The second two represents moving the ball back in your stance by two inches. This will take loft off your golf club, resulting in a lower shot.
- The third two represents opening your stance and dropping your left foot two inches. This will restrict your backswing while keeping your weight on your frontside. This will force you to keep the ball lower.
It is important not to overcomplicate the process. As two-time major champion, Fuzzy Zoeller said, “If you read and believe all the golf magazines on how to hit a knockdown shot, you would have to contort yourself in so many ways and think of so many things, it’d be heard to draw the club back. Also, people tend to swing quicker and harder when trying to follow those tips for a knockdown shot, which actually causes the ball to balloon more.” So, maintain a nice, easy swing while implanting the Adams’ “2 – 2 – 2” rule and you’ll see success with your next punch-out.
Need A Place To Work On Your Knockdowns?
Unlike many of the drills we’ve suggested, working on your knockdown shots requires practice and repetition. Our forty stall driving range is lit and features abundant targets. Come visit us.