There are dozens of nuanced rules and penalties in golf. But the most important rules, beyond basic gameplay, have to do with relief situations and procedures. Knowing these rules can help you avoid penalties, keep your reputation intact at the clubhouse, and give you credibility beyond your bragging rights after a great round. Here are some basics:
For a ball to be lifted, up off the green, it must be done by the player or teammate. No one else is authorized to lift another player’s ball. The ball must be marked accurately before lifting, so it is not misplaced when returned. If it is not marked the player earns a one stroke penalty. If it is not replaced the player incrues the general penalty for breach of the rule. If the marker is moved due to the player’s negligence or deliberate intent, the player incurs a one stroke penalty.
A ball must be dropped by the player. The player must stand erect and hold the ball at shoulder height. From arm’s length, the player must drop it without force. If the ball is dropped by any other person or in any other manner and the error is not immediately corrected, the player will earn a penalty of one stroke. It is also important that you drop the ball as near as possible to where it originally landed on the course. There is allowance for re-dropping if there are any issues about the nature of the drop to avoid penalties.
As with lifting and dropping, the ball must only be placed by the player, their teammate, or a designated individual. If the ball is placed by any other player, that player incurs a penalty of one stroke. If the marker is moved when placing the ball, there is no penalty unless it was intentional. In that case, the player will receive a one-stroke penalty. Finally, if the ball is placed anywhere other than the spot from which it was lifted, the player will incur a general penalty, loss of a hole, or two strokes, depending on play.
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